Bachelor of Science in Teacher Education Elementary – Admission Requirements

Students and Pre-Service Candidates pursuing the academic major, Interdisciplinary Studies in Development and Learning of the Child and Young Adolescent, are required to complete all courses in the curriculum and all requirements and competencies specified in the first three progression levels and competency categories in order to be recommended for the initial TN license for Elementary Education K-5. The first step in the admissions process is to gain admission to SC and schedule an appointment with an education advisor. The advisor and student meet and develop a quarterly projected academic plan that shows the student a timeline for progressing through the three stages.

The Interdisciplinary Studies in Development and Learning of the Child and Young Adolescent major has multiple assessment measures that occur at four progression levels [Pre-Entry Student, Pre-Service Candidate, Pre-Service Clinical Practitioner, and In-Service Program Completer]. Students and Candidates are required to meet with an education advisor quarterly to discuss their academic progress and to advance to the next quarter. The Four Progression Levels inform students and candidates of their academic progress as they progress through the Elementary Education K-5 program. Interventions are available as needed through faculty recommendation for candidates to remove deficiencies.

Stage 1/Pre-Stage 2 Criteria for Admission to Program:

For Stage 2 Pre-Service Candidate entry to the BS Elementary Education K-5 program, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete VECHS TBI Waiver form and submit to Dean, School of Education.
  • Complete TBI Fingerprinting & Criminal History Records Check; results required in SOE file prior to first enrollment in education courses.
  • Provide evidence of liability insurance (e.g. STEA or P.E.T. membership).
  • Complete 36 quarter hours with the required 2.75 grade point average, including completion of EDU 1000EDU 1010EDU 2000, and EDU 2010 with grades of C or better in each. A minimum grade of C must be earned in all Core Courses.

The following must be submitted to the Teacher Education Office, in order to be considered for the Stage 2 Pre-Service Candidate Interview:

  1. Completion of Faculty Dispositional Assessments.
  2. One acceptable score from the following: ACT 21 or better, or SAT 1080 or better, or Tennessee required minimum passing scores on Praxis Core subtests in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics.
  3. Complete all Stage 1 key assessments.
  4. Upon submission of the information in #1 and #2, an interview will be scheduled and must be completed for consideration of Stage 2 Pre-Service Candidate status in the program. Upon successful completion of the interview and key assessments, and upon meeting testing score requirement, grade point average, and earned credit hour requirements, the School of Education shall recommend the student for Stage 2 Pre-Service Candidacy.

Pre-Service Candidates (Stage 2) must complete the following requirements to be admitted to Pre-Service Clinical Practitioner (Stage 3) and before starting student teaching:

  • Pass the following Praxis Exams:
    • Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (Test Code 5001 or can be taken individually using codes 5002, 5003, 5004, & 5005)
    • Teaching Reading: Elementary Education (Test Code 5205)
  • Completion of Stage 2 key assessments
  • Grade of B or higher in all major and professional education courses
  • Completion of Faculty Dispositional Assessments

Upon the successful completion of Stage 2 requirements, candidates will be recommended for Pre-Service Clinical Practitioner (Stage 3)

Once admitted to Pre-Service Clinical Practitioner (Stage 3), candidates must complete the following requirements to graduate:

  • Create a TN Compass account
  • Successfully submit edTPA
  • Complete Stage 3 assessments
  • Complete Mentoring Teacher Dispositional Assessments

Candidates who complete the BS Elementary Education K-5 program of study and who have successful completion of Stages 1, 2, and 3, pass all required Praxis test, and obtain a passing score on edTPA will be recommended to the TN Department of Education for the initial teaching license in Elementary Education K-5 by the Dean of the School of Education.
